Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Uses of the INTERNET (make comments)

Here are my favourite uses of the internet.

However I forgot to mention one thing. LEARNING ENGLISH SITES. Why don't you post a comment mentioning what your favourite learning English sites are?


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!
I like to learn English the page from the BBC. I think it is an interesting page where you can find like a virtual class, and you have different listenings and videos about English. I also like Elllo because you can find thousands of listenings.
See you on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody!
I usually intro in "La mansión del inglés" it´s a page where you can listen to histories about the topics that you want and after you can do exercises of the listening.
Besides I like Elllo, it`s a page where there are many listenings and belong the text written to check it.
I hope it`s useful for you.
See you.

Anonymous said...

Hi teacher and classmates

First, I ussually use Google in English;I search on the net the information that interest me, for example about music, concerts, trip, places, etc and I read foreign digital newspapers; today I have readed and I have tried to understand an article in and CNN, it is difficult and I don't know some words but I like it.
Also, I see and listen to interviews videos and musical videos, in English, of course.

See you after Easter!
