Saturday 7 November 2009

One scary group therapy

As promised in class I've included here the links to the videos on phobias we did in class. They're very funny, aren't they?


isabel said...

thanks, both of them are very funny.People are crazy!jaja.

Miguel said...

I can't stop laughing:ja,ja. I'm sorry ...
Ahhhhh !
It's impossible to find a session like this.

carolina said...

I think that the video is very funny,but the phobias are problems.
I don´t have any phobia, but I can´t stand ticks because when I was child it bit me. I had a lot of fever and I could die. I had ticks in my ear and the doctor
did´t find.

Isabel said...

Carolina, can you explain what´s the meaning of "ticks"? I looked up in the diccionary but I didn`t understand very well, so I can´t understand your commentary. thanks.

carolina said...

Hello Isabel,tics mean:garrapatas