Monday, 25 October 2010

Our house (Madness)

We'll be working with this great song by Madness. Here you can find links to different videos of the song.

Houses 25th to 28th of october

This week we are going to describe our house and also to give opinions about the places where we live and where we would like to live. Here are the links to the material we are going to use in class and to some pages where they talk about houses.

Writing exercise 18-22nd of october

I must apologize for not posting this earlier. It's a busy part of the year. Anyway, I'll try to avoid doing it again in the future. Last week we learned how to plan a writing exercise with the title: "Are schools these days easier?" Here you'l find links to the document I used in class and also to the diagrams we used in class to start our planning:

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

That'll teach 'em

This week we are going to do a listening about a reality show. There was a similar programme on Spanish tv called "Curso del 63". Here you have two interesting links. One is the web page of the British programme. You could have a look at the section "Yesterday and today" and "Ciritisizing education". See what you can make out of it. The other link is to a video of the British programme. It's quite shocking.

Once you have a look at them you could introduce comments and opinions here. Did you like it? Do you think school was better in the past than nowadays?

Monday, 4 October 2010

Grades (Listening Comprehension)

This week we are going to start training for the real world of English. How are we going to do this? By listening to native speakers talking about the topics we deal with in class. In this case we'll be listening to Todd and Nydja (Standard American English accent) talking about grades (marks). Do you think marks are important? Did you have to work hard to get good marks? Did you succeed?
Here you have the links to the conversation and the transcript. Don't worry! I'm aware that it's a difficult exercise. I don't want you to understand everything.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Keep Learning NI2 (Great Blog)

My colleague and friend Nieves, teaching at EOI Mérida as well, has just published a blog for NI2 and NA1 students. Have a look at it. It's really interesting. For instance, there is a section this week on conditionals which you shouldn't miss.